Boho Bouquet is one of our remembrance blends of fine essential oils. When times are challenging or stressful we think back to the good times of yesterday. And that’s a good thing. It brings in the flavor of our youth. Not all of us were Boomers, but those that were left an imprint on the world of what it meant to be creatively free and outrageously defiant of structures that generated harm in our world. We were peaceful fighters, and maybe that is something to remember. Our children and grandchildren will remember and cherish that spirit in us. This blend does not smell of “Woodstock” but does remind us of one of those charming boutiques that we walk into and enter a different world. It is a unique floral blend with highlights of Buchu, Bergamot, Magnolia flower and more. Those who were there will remember. Those who want to connect, will enjoy.
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