Living Inside the Miracle


 in 2018 our webinars focused on our connection with God.  Much of our study was highlighted by key phrases in The Lord’s Prayer.  

In this Webinar we look at how it feels to Live Inside the Miracle.

Are you ready to look at the extraordinary dimensions of life?

Four Text Lessons, Four Audio Recordings,

This is the permanent and durable instillation of that webinar

It is now available for you to download to your computer, or just to activate live links for listening in your own time at your convenience.

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Living Inside the Miracle

Webinar 4, 2018:  Our last webinar for this year completes the image and meaning for the closing passages of The Lord’s Prayer.  “For Thine is the Kingdom, and the Power, and the Glory for ever and ever.”  Amen.
Our universe is infinite and miraculous.  Because it is so vast we try to step outside it and see it’s wonder from a distance.  We also have a tendency to objectify our own ideals and desires, setting them on a pinnacle outside ourselves.  While at the same time we interiorize our frustrations and challenges.
Can you imagine the difference if we just changed that equation to externalizing the challenges and internalizing the ideals.  Miracles would happen, because you would be LIVING INSIDE THEM.  Its all a matter of perspective…but one that requires great surrender, faith, and love.  You are not only part of all that is, but an exact replica of it like the fractal design of this webinar picture.  Once you really know that, there is nothing to resist.  Take a dive into the deep pool of who you really are.
This webinar has been conducted through conference calls and online lesson study.  All calls will be recorded for playback and permanent download to your computer.



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