Revelations and Recovery!



Four audio recordings, Four Text Lessons
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How do we learn from the mysteries of life?
How do we recover from our hardships and suffering?
This is a very difficult prospect to handle without help.
Because of our subjective preferences, our personal life needs, and limited perceptions, our inner world does not always find a perfect reflection in the objective world around us.
So often we wonder “What’s wrong with this picture?” At first we may assign the problem to external causes and try to fix them.  When that doesn’t work, we may assign the problem to our self and try to change to meet demands of the world.  What is missing is a third, fourth, or even fifth point of perception to give us insights and revelations about how to create more unity between our inner and outer worlds.
This is a good thing to do providing we know how and where to find truth and not just information or someone else’s good idea.  We want to have positive connections between our self and the outer world.  They bring us satisfaction, confidence, and even power. However many of those points of connection are concealed. And they are not all positive.
All kinds of things move around and through us, both good and bad.  We do not cause or even attract everything that happens to us.  But inside us is a hook, like Velcro that catches onto those things that we must look at and deal with before it will let go.
So often the hook within us has little in common with the event that “captured” us into a connection.  Our greatest mistake is believing that the causes of our happiness and our suffering are entirely external to us.  The fact is we could survive almost anything if we did not give it power over us.
Overall, this webinar will be about the book of your life.  Your recovery will happen when wholeness is restored.   Both the shadows and the light have a place in your life.  Both the answered and unanswered questions propel your life forward.  Both the hurt and the happiness define your life.  The life of Christ shows us that even God suffered so that empathy could be real, so that love is not a fairy tale but a real power of redemption. So that love is truly compassion.
Lesson 1 will be about the Book of Your Life, and how to write a biography (privately for yourself) that has truer revelations of what have really happened and is moving your life forward. It has been said that history is written by the winners. Therefore, you must be the winner (not your mother, father, spouse, or circumstances) in order for your story to be a true one.
Lesson 2 in this webinar will cover the Book of Revelations, one of the most mysterious and misunderstood books in the Bible. This is perhaps the most difficult Book in the Bible to understand; and, the most exploited for its fear value in manipulating congregations.
However, if you read the closing passages and then read it backwards, you will see that it really is a love story between God and humankind. It is the complete restoration of the rip that happened in Genesis, the first Book of the Bible. We will devote our second lesson to decoding this promise for revelations in a way that will allow you to become a positive participant in the collective revelations that are moving humankind into a tsunami of change at this very moment.
During the time this class was originally conducted we were approaching a celestial event of great magnitude. Many changes will happen in life both personally and collectively. We will discuss this, what to expect, and what to do about it in Lesson Three. We are already in the forefront of the most important solar eclipse over the US in decades. You don’t have to be an astrologer to respect the importance of solar eclipses when they are complete and directly over a continent or country. History records many pivotal events correlated to them, and the Bible is full of references to their impact. The reason is that the solar/earth connection forms our EM field, and that directly influences consciousness, motivation, and performance. It is said the impact is felt 2 months before and 6 months after. This one happens on August 21. So welcome to your celestial partner in the tsunami we are about to experience. There is no time to wait. We must catch the wave just right and the weak will fall. This one is formidable and not to be taken lightly. It may well be THE ONE prophesied in the Book of Revelations.
Jeshua said: “You will know the truth, and the truth will set you free.” Lesson 4 will be all about perfecting our clear sighted perceptions to observe the truth when it is revealed. It may not be what you thought or expected. Now is the time to wash your ears, clear your eyes, and cleanse your mind of bias and prejudice. It this lesson we will put everything together, and what is happening and coming will start making sense to you.
This webinar is not an intellectual exercise. It’s a roadmap to survival and personal fulfillment. Of all the seminars we have ever offered, I suggest you not miss this one.




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