Glenda Green brings this invitation to a webinar on Jeshua’s primary teaching to know yourself as The Love You Are…
[audio:| titles=The Love You Are]For years after Jeshua’s proclamation that LOVE is who we are, there has been no greater category of questions or need for explanation than further elaboration on that statement. Such comments are made as, “It’s easy to tell when I am doing love or receiving love, but what does it feel like to BE love?”
Learn to ACCEPT the first and original gift of God, which is to know yourself as THE LOVE YOU ARE.
- Establish the foundation of your self-esteem, well-being, well-spring of creativity, and connection with God – Source?
- Gain more vitality and health
- Realize and sustain an unlimited supply of universal energy
- Realize the power of your prayers, and affirmations
- Witness your creative envisionment magnified
- The joy in your life will be greater than you thought it could be, and freer from conditions environmental pressures try to put on it.
- Those of you already enjoying the weekly blessings from Jeshua will find remarkable advancement in your ability to receive.
Study on-site at your convenience
Pre-recorded conference calls with Glenda
Sunday blessings with Glenda from Jeshua
Written lessons with recorded audio
This subject has been a pivotal part of every seminar I have ever taught. Never before have I seen the absolute and urgent need for it to BE THE SUBJECT. Those of you who have been enjoying the Blessings of Jeshua and have gone through the extensive webinar “Jeshua on Health and Wellness” have learned the blessings of God are abundant in all places and times. The challenge lies in our RECEIVERSHIP of Divine blessings. Many blessings have been given and received, and yet who among us has unconditionally received them all? We return every week because we are a bit more ready to receive. Such a process is natural and healthy, yet there is one mysterious truth that is an impediment to its greater acceleration. That truth is in how to ACCEPT the first and original gift of God, which is THE LOVE THAT YOU ARE.
Consider this: as beings created in the image of God, and God is love, how could we be anything other than love? We do not feel our own essence any more than we can feel water at the same temperature as our body. Learning to see and really KNOW the love that you are is a very real challenge. Developing this awareness and knowing how to use it for the expansion of all goodness in your life is a major benchmark on the pathway to enlightenment and greater union with your Creator.
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