The Star of Love


A Legend

A Sacred Symbol

A Power of Divine Potential

With Revelations of Life unlike any Other


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The Star of Love

  What does it mean? 

The Star of Love is the blueprint of our universe!  And therefore, your personal life in replication of it.

All that is was created out of these six elements.  Love is the originating point, and existence is the culminating point of all creation.  Thus existence is the one that touches Earth and sustains a universal reality.  Love activates spirit and commands the adamantine particles.  Then love directs life with purpose, and through purposeful living existence is fulfilled.”

“I have already told you that life is love in action.  Only now are you ready to know that compression is the melting pot of purpose.  Without the refining fire of compression, true purpose would never emerge.  Purpose is your reason for being, which balanced with the flow of life, creates existence as you know it.  The same is true of collective life and purpose.  True purpose is not an acquired motivation.  It is intrinsic to your being, and is often hidden during cycles of expansion where many opportunities entreat your desire and seem to work equally well.  External purpose could be anything from goals and projects, to needs and desires, to feelings that motivate you into action.  On the other hand, true purpose is the light within that shines even within the darkest night, calls you home, and asks you to stand accountable to that which is essential to your being.  This is the main reason I wanted you to know about compression:  that you would embrace it with, courage, intelligence, serenity, creativity, and enthusiasm for the blessings it can bring and the truth it can reveal about yourself.” Love without End, Jesus Speaks, “God and Reality”

As an old world seems to be breaking down, a new one is emerging.  What they both have in common are the points of this star, even though many of the emerging realities are different.  This is what makes it rebirth instead of alteration.  At some points it is necessary that we as individuals experience rebirth as well. If it were not for the power and potential or rebirth the magnitude of external change that is demanded would be tortuous.  But with rebirth there is only pain in intervals and for a short passage of time, then celebration and amazement for what the changes have brought forth.

We are in an age of profound and intense change.  There is an old adage that describes the fear or reluctance many of us feel about diving into this magnitude of change. 
It says: “Don’t throw out the baby with the bath water.”  That’s an easy problem and fear to resolve when you know that the baby and the bathwater are made of the same elements. 
Its easy to change the water and hold the baby safe.  Everything and everyone we cherish from the past is forever with us through the common elements that make up all creation.  The only things that change are the patterns of manifest reality.  As we understand and master that truth we have confidence to change the future into a new and better reality.
This webinar is designed to help you become that better master of your own reality and the larger reality you find in nature and the world we share.
Lesson 1: This will cover all the points of the Star and how they interrelate, coordinate, and support each other in the process of constantly changing creation and reality.  There will be supporting quotes from the Old and New Testaments, and Love Without End will be discussed in depth on this subject, most especially chapter 12, God and Reality.
Lesson 2: This will be both an information based presentation to help you understand how all points of the Star are in your life and how they work to provide health, understanding, and a meaningful life.  The second part will be more in a workshop mode, with charts, lists, and diagrams that you can use to see how the presence of this Star is spreading its light in your life, and how it has changed and developed throughout the course of your life.  Most importantly how it needs to be shining its light into your future.  Even though we place the point of love at the top in our opening diagram, it can and does revolve.  You may remember times in your life when you moved life or purpose to a higher position in order to find your place in the world, or work on health issues.  And sadly we need to recognize that in starving and brutalized nations Love has moved to the bottom because of the critical needs of EXISTANCE.  knowing this can inform methods of assistance that REALLY WORK.  THIS IS VITAL KNOWLEDGE.
Lesson 3:This is where we look more deeply and widely to how the Star of Love is shaping our future in a new world, and how to participate with more wisdom, love, and creativity that rewards across the board.
Lesson 4: This will be our summary.  In it we will focus on each point from a personal perspective for you and carrying it as far as we can into all the arenas of life. There will be a formal lesson, guidance maps, and many opportunities for discussion.  

Enrolments are open now. 


Classes are Sunday afternoons July 18th, 25th; August 1st; and 8th


Conference call numbers will be provided after enrollment.  I will personally mail all information and instructions in the week before July 18th

so watch your inbox. 

You will receive an enrollment invoice as soon as your order is posted, but the instructions will come a few days before the first class. 

These you do not need until the course begins.


This webinar will be conducted through conference calls and online lesson study with text lessons and worksheets to go along. Mid-week after each lesson presentation there will be a jam session, which is optional and not recorded to protect your privacy.  This is to offer open conversations with other students.  I will be present to guide or monitor, but student conversation and sharing is the subject.  
All calls will be recorded for playback and permanent download to your computer.
So, if all presentation times or dates do not meet your schedule you can listen to each lesson at your convenience.  And have it for keeps.



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