Restoring the Faithful Heart


Do you really want your life to heal?

Then together let’s Restore our Faithful Heart!

This is the best approach you could ever have into Advent and the Christmas Season

Four live Audio Conferences, four text lessons with worksheets

Sundays November 29th (Sunday after Thanksgiving) till Decamber 20th (Sunday before Christmas)

Often the greatest rewards come after the hardest times.  This could bring on your best Christmas EVER

Enrolled students Go to Webinar Course Page


Restoring the Faithful Heart

How is your life going?

Just the way you want it to?

Jesus said “If you faith is so much as a grain of mustard seed, you can say to the mountain come here and it will come.”  Amazing isn’t it!  Does it only work for him?  No, it works for everyone.  But our problem is this:  Inside a restless heart faith cannot stay focused on even the tiniest prayer.
Our heart is what holds our prayers, our love, our dreams, our faith to envision tomorrow, and most of all our connection with God.
When our heart loses its faith nothing works, nothing heals, our cup stays empty.  Yet we know from legends and biographical history how a faithful heart has taken people through the most horrific conditions.  It has brought people back from the dead, healed them from near-terminal illness, carried them through death camps or from slavery into a successful future, brought them through months of hunger and cold, called souls into assembly to form unions that redeemed the world.
So what do we have to fear except the loss of our Faithful Heart. And every enemy we have will attack that first.  Perhaps this is why Jesus said to “Love your enemy.”  This will remove the one maneuver any enemy can have to defeat you.
For your surviving, thriving, recovery, and brilliant future.
Lesson 1What is your heart, REALLY?  And how is it fulfilled by faith?
             We will examine every facet of your heart from cellular to cosmic;
            from physical to divine.
Lesson 2: Why have you carried your life through stories instead of faith?
Lesson 3:  Tracing the life of Jeshua to discover all the secrets he left us about
              what faith really is.  The entirety of his life was about the Faithful Heart.
Lesson 4: Your Bright New Future.  How you will step out into the world inside
              Your Faithful Heart, shining light and offering a new standard of hope to
              everyone you see.
Catastrophic collapse has happened many times in the history of our world.  It was certainly that way in Israel where Jeshua was born.  He did not come into a prosperous world to lead armies and sit at the table with rich kings and queens.  He was born in a manger, then learned one of the hardest professions for a man of his day, a carpenter.  In those days a carpenter was not a woodworker making cabinets and furniture.  NO, he went to the forest, felled the tree, and then took it to where it could be shaved into timber for buildings.  He was also a fisherman able to pull up large droughts of fishes.  He was well ready to carry a cross that must have weighed at least 500 pounds up a rocky hillside for over a mile wearing sandals, after a day of being beaten to near death for anyone else.  Before that, and during his life he would sit with lepers, multiply food for the hungry, raise the dead, and make no judgment of anyone. 

we need to study his life more from the perspective of the Faithful Heart and finally learn all the mysteries that it holds.

What you get from this webinar may be the best Christmas Present of your life.

Sundays afternoons November 29th, December 6th; December 13th; and December 20th


Conference call numbers will be provided after enrollment.  I will personally mail all information and instructions in the week of November 15,

so watch your inbox. 

You will receive an enrollment invoice as soon as your order is posted, but the instructions will come a few day later. 

These you do not need until the course begins.


This webinar will be conducted through conference calls and online lesson study with text lessons and worksheets to go along.  All calls will be recorded for playback and permanent download to your computer.



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